Autumn Bootcamp Day-3

My experience on Autumn Bootcamp Day-3 hosted by Dr. Gaurav Gandhi.

This time, I went there by Metro, after all, learn from your mistakes.

I took a seat and opened my laptop and we started revising what we did last day. I did all the experiments I did yesterday, but made the code for them myself. This continued till the break, after it, it was a whole different story. We were given some printed cubeecrafts and we had to cut and fold them to make cartoon characters. I was given Spongebob squarepants. It went great for the first 20 minutes and I was able to make the torso and above, including putting LEDs into its eyes. But then it started dismantling, so I took another one and tried to program it and make it in less than 30 minutes. It worked out great and the last day was a great experience too. As a bonus I got a super Mario cubeecraft for home and made it the next day.

Overall this whole experience of these 3 days was awesome and I would love to go to another one of these sessions any day.



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