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Rubik’s Cube Indian National Championship 2018
This last weekend, I was at IIT Bombay for Indian National Championship 2018, it is an annual championship held every year in different cities throughout the country. As the name suggests, the winner of each event is declared the National…
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Cubing and Me – End of 2017
At the starting of the year I got introduced to a new hobby I never knew even existed, Speedcubing, like I knew there were people who could solve the Rubik’s cube much faster than I could at that time, but…
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How my life would be in 2030
1st November 2030 I’d be 25 years old, living in my 3 room apartment in San Francisco. I wake up, tap my head 2 times which changes my TV into a window. Looking at where the iconic Golden Gate Bridge…
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What is Animal Farm about?

If you are an avid reader, chances are you’ve read or at least heard of Animal Farm. It’s a novella written by George Orwell in 1945. George Orwell decided to create a political satire and thought of using animals instead…
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A summer workshop on Gurbani
This summer from 15 May to 26 May, There was a workshop on Gurbani being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Punjabi Bagh Gurudwara. The day before the first session, A T-Shirt was delivered to us which had the…
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Me and Cubing
I got my First Good Rubik’s cube on 13 Feb 2015 as a gift from my papa on his birthday. It was a Rubik’s Brand one. I had gotten countless bad quality cubes that broke apart after 2 months or…
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Coding classes in School
About a month ago, we were given a trial class of Scratch 2, a beginners coding software, in our school, and were told that we would learn to make games like Jetpack Joyride in scratch. I already knew basic scratch…
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9 Tech channels to watch on YouTube
Here is a quick list of some YouTube channels to follow, if you are a techie like me -: Austin Evans – His videos are usually short and straightforward and full of positive vibes, covers all the important features about…
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Sariska Astroport Trip no-2
Just like the earlier Sariska trip in February 2016, as I had paid for module-2, I had another trip from 9-10th Nov. 2016. We reached the school at 10 50 a.m. and there were only a few children, gradually more…
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Autumn Bootcamp Day-3
My experience on Autumn Bootcamp Day-3 hosted by Dr. Gaurav Gandhi. This time, I went there by Metro, after all, learn from your mistakes. I took a seat and opened my laptop and we started revising what we did last…
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